
Met Engine

Gmet, Simplifying Liquidity Provisioning ☄️

What is Met Engine??

Met Engine is a Telegram bot that allows you to create instant DLMM (Dynamic Liquidity Market Making) positions and track them in real-time.

How to Get Started

  1. Get an Invite code by Dming Met Engine on X.

  2. Start using the Telegram Bot

    • Click the “Start” button or use the /start command.
  3. Top Up Your Wallet

    • Deposit at least 0.2 SOL in the bot walle to cover meteora rent(0.05 SOL), swaps, closing fees and more.
  4. Follow us across our socials to not miss any updates, Linktree.

Have Feedback/ feature request?

  • Join our Discord, to be updated with new features coming on the bot.
  • Provide feedback on discord or reach out to @met_engine on X for any suggestions or queries.

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