
Bot Commands

Gmet, Simplifying Liquidity Provisioning ☄️

Use the following commands to interact with the Met Engine bot on Telegram:

  1. /start - Opens the main menu with available options.

  2. /open - Creates a new DLMM position. Enter the contract address followed by the SOL amount to open the position.

  3. /wallet - Manages your Met Engine wallet. View or manage your wallet address and export your private key.

  4. /positions - Displays your active DLMM positions.

  5. /copytrade - Copytrades DLMM positions from another wallet. Enter a SOL wallet address to view its open positions, then select ‘Ape Now’ to replicate any position. You will be prompted to specify the SOL amount before executing the trade.

Keep 0.1 SOL extra then your LP amount for Meteora Rent,Swap,Open and Close position fees.